- By Natura Team
Every person is a world of its own.
And everyone matters.
We are living one of the biggest crisis we can think of in recent times.
We are all seeking answers that are not yet there.
So is Natura.
But we know what we can do right now.
We can unite.
Together, in a new way.Together, even if away from each other.
This will be a big challenge.
But we believe that if we stay together we will find a way.
Let’s unite to try to stop the spread.
That is why we are reducing significantly the number
of people working in our business offices and shops,
encouraging remote work, while taking
care of our relations.
We increased our capacity in producing soaps, one of the main
instruments in stopping the spread, and will be donating to those who need them most.
Travels and events have been canceled and we have
doubled the care and protection of people still
working in our factories, distribution centers, hubs
and other working areas. We have ensured all those
with higher risk are being kept at home as well as
those responsible for the disabled with regular full
Let’s unite to keep the economy going.
That is why we are honoring every contract with our businesspartners and communities and investing in innovation and new
technology to keep us going through the crisis.
And this is just the beginning.
Every day we will learn a new way to handle things and create a
new social pact.
Always together.
Because we all have our share in this.
We need to change the way we live.
Using the power we all have to make the world more beautiful by
taking care of ourselves to take care of others and the planet.
This is the only way to get through this difficult moment and
create a new world.
A more loving one, with health and prosperity for all.
One where everyone matters.
When you care, you create beauty.